
The Pastorate is in charge of the spiritual affairs of the church while the Deacons are in charge of benevolence. However, each complements the work of the other for the good of the fellowship/church.

This ministry was concomitantly established in 1875 with the emergence of the Church. The Deacon Ministry has had had eight chairmen, the first being Dea. John Hunter while the incumbent is Dea. Joyce A. Moore Liberty (First Female Chairman who has served two terms

The Ministry was first organized at Effort in 1974 as the Sunbeams Class.  Dea. Angelique A. Jones served as First Coordinator. By 1980 the membership of the Church had overgrown the seating capacity of the edifice.

The Youth Ministry of the Church is as old as the Church is. However, it became dormant until 1976 when it was reorganized with Bro. Joshua F. Cassel, Jr. serving as President.

Like the Deacon Ministry, men have existed with the founding of the Church in 1875. However, they did not organize as a functioning unit until some eighty-five (85) years after the founding of the Church.

The Woman’s Department of the BWA long existed before the birth of its Men’s Department.  At Effort the branch of the LBMEC’s national woman organization was duly established in 1956 with Sis. Caroline Pratt serving as first President

The formation of the choir existed with the establishment of the Church with the sole objective being to provide Christian music during worship services.

The ushers perform a number of duties in the Church. They read Sunday announcements, provide relevant information to the Pastor, escort worshippers to their seats, share Sunday bulletins and help maintain order during the service.