The Woman’s Department of the BWA long existed before the birth of its Men’s Department.  At Effort the branch of the LBMEC’s national woman organization was duly established in 1956 with Sis. Caroline Pratt serving as first President. Since then this body of women has played significant role in the history of the Church and the Liberia Baptist Missionary & Educational Convention. During the presidency of Dea. Angelique A. Jones the WMU awarded scholarships and financial assistance to young women of the Church. One of such beneficiaries was Rosetta Harmon (first beneficiary) then at Assembly of God High School.

Other Projects undertaken by the WMU:

  1. Refurbished the Lewis N. Weaver’s Annex and installed new curtain bars and curtains.
  2. Planted trees alongside the main street from Paynesville through Oldest Congo Town in 1979
  3. Established the Sunbeams class in 1974 that later became the Children’s Church and now the Children’s Ministry.
  4. Carried out annual food sale (bazaar) during the Christmas Season up to 1988 (Paynesville Park)

At the national level, Effort’s WMU held the presidency as follows: Angelique A. Jones, Siatta V. Sherman, & Comfort H. Weaver (up to her demise on October 12, 2018) and Dea. Parmetta Johns (Acting) and produced two national WMU queens in persons of Sis. Comfort Nyanfor Gould & Sis. Angeline Ivy Mahn. The WMU is comprised of four circles, namely: Esther Circle, Martha Circle, Ruth Circle, and Dorcas Circle. The current President of the WMU is Sis. Angeline Ivy Mahn.

The BYW was organized at Effort in 1993 under the leadership of Sis. Kormasa Reeves Taylor. WMU was founded in 1888 as an auxiliary branch to the Southern Baptist Convention. The primary purpose of the organization is to educate and inspire women in the mission of God and to connect women with outreach opportunities