While we emphasize membership in the church, we do not place our security in membership of the organization. We believe our security is in relationship with Christ. Our requirements for membership indicate how serious we are about God’s word & work in the church, who we receive as members as declaration of our values & convictions. Members of the church are considered representatives of the kingdom of God. How we deal with the active lifestyles of members indicates what we really believe about the holiness & righteousness of God. In order words, members in a New Testament Church who are not accountable with their lives will hinder the health & work of the Church. What we consider active or involved will affect how we fulfill the mission & vision that we have from God. Acts 8:26-29 – Eph.4:1-5.


Qualification of Members

Membership of the church shall be composed of persons who publicly confess their faith in Christ; who have completed the New Membership Class; who have been received by vote of the church; who have been baptized by immersion & receive the right hand of fellowship; OR a member of another Baptist church of like fait & order may be received by vote of the church upon a letter of transfer from that church & the completion of the New Membership Orientation, and extended the right hand of fellowship.