Our Evangelism and Extension Ministry along with the Effort Baptist Church USA and Beautiful Gate today 9 January 2024 completed phase one of a two-day medical outreach in Foya District, Lofa County.

The mission team visited Bambodu and Lorloe towns and saw around 250 patients from these towns and surrounding villages.

On Wednesday, 10 January 2024, they will visit Kumassadu to see patients from there and nearby villages.

The team will then conclude the two-day medical outreach at the Royal Guesthouse in Foya with the prescription and distribution of anti-hypertensive pills and eye glasses.

The outreach is being conducted by Dr. Isaac N. Kaffey of Effort Baptist Church Paynesville and Amy Beyer, a United States nurse practitioner, of Effort Baptist Church USA.

Dr. Kaffey said the team is doing blood pressure screening, eye screening and distribution of glasses, and deworming.

High blood pressure, sight defects, and worm infection are common diseases in Liberia. Their treatment can sometimes be expensive for people living in remote towns and villages.

Dr. Kaffey said where high blood pressure is detected in a person, the team gives lifestyle modification advice in addition to anti-hypertensive pills. They also administered worm medicines and distributed assorted lenses to patients in Bambodu and Lorloe towns.

These gestures underline the commitment of the church to serve humanity – as a ‘House of refuge for the victims of the land’.

The mission team concluded Tuesday 9 January 2024 by visiting sick and shut-ins members around Foya City and in Shelloe. They offered prayers for speedy recovery and God’s blessings upon all our fellow believers in Foya.

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