The Effort Baptist Church Young Men are expected to arrive Gbarpolu County Friday, 1 December 2023 in the evening.

In commemoration of its third anniversary, the BYM has decided to worship with the Effort Baptist Fellowship in Charma Farm, Gbarpolu County.

As part of our mission and church planting efforts, the Effort Baptist Church evangelism team has established a Fellowship in Charma Farm, Gbarpolu County.

The church also has similar missions in Grand Cape Mount and Lofa Counties.

While in Gbarpolu, the BYM will engage in sport activities with the young people in Charma Farm as part of gospel awareness raising.

The team will also hold a workshop to explain to the fellowship how service is conducted at Effort Baptist Church in Paynesville.

They will participate in the worship service of the Charma Farm fellowship and make presentations before returning on Sunday, 3 December 2023.

The group is headed by Deacon Jerry Taylor and deputized by Lic. Aloysius Howard.

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