The Effort Baptist Church Young Men on Sunday worshipped with the Effort Baptist Church Fellowship in Charma Farm, Gbarpolu County.

Licentiate Aloysius Howard preached to the Fellowship and joined the pastorate of the Fellowship (along with Deacon Jerry Taylor) to administer the holy communion.

In his message, Lic. Howard told the mandate of the church, saying that the church was established to reach out to the community to win souls to God.

He added that the church refers to a group of believers that (mostly) convenes under one roof to glorify God.

Lic. Howard encouraged members of the Fellowship to utilize their individual talents to glorify God through the Effort Baptist Church Fellowship, as instructed by God in 1st. Peter 4:10-11.

The BYM, as part of its third anniversary celebration, has decided to support the Effort Baptist Church mission in Gbarpolu County.

They spent the weekend (1 December to 3 December 2023) with the Effort Baptist Church Fellowship, engaging in a series of activities that brought the members of fellowship and the community together.

On Saturday, the BYM facilitated a teaching session, consistent with Matthew 28:19-20.

The session focused on the meaning and role of the church and setting achievable goals.

Young Man Charlton Wisner took up time to explain in simple terms what ‘the church’ means and its responsibilities to the community. While George Sharpe explained what ‘goals’ are and how to set achievable goals.

BYM Director Varney Fahnbulleh then led the BYM in a football match with the youth of the Charma Farm community. The match, refereed by Deacon Jerry Taylor, ended one goal apiece.

There was also an evening service on the grass and under the lights on Saturday evening. Again, Licentiate Aloysius Howard delivered a powerful message about God’s love for us, drawn from text John 3:16.

He urged the listening congregants to spread God’s love throughout the community by living a Godly life while evangelizing to win souls.

Deacon Jerry Taylor and wife Mother Salome Taylor took care of refreshments and facilitated lively discussions among the young men, who felt so at home.

The BYM also presented a token to the fellowship to buy more than twenty bags of cement as part of its contribution to the church building project being initiated by the fellowship.

The Fellowship reciprocated the gesture with the presentation of lots of organic foods to the BYM.

In sum, it was a memorable weekend, filled with mission and evangelism – with thanks to the Effort Baptist Church for spreading God’s love to that part of Gbarpolu County.

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